Tower Bridge Business Complex, 100 Clements Road (aka Biscuit Factory) & Bermondsey Campus Site, Keeton’s Road, London, SE16 4DG
Scheme approved.
Full planning permission for demolition, alterations and extension of existing buildings and erection of new buildings comprising a mixed-use scheme including providing new dwellings (Class C3), flexible Class A1/A3/A4/B1/D1/D2, flexible multi-use Class A1/A3/A4/D1 floorspace within retained Block BF-F, and a new secondary school. The development also includes communal amenity space, landscaping, children’s playspace, car and cycle parking, installation of plant, new pedestrian, vehicular and servicing routes, the creation of two new pedestrian routes through the Railway Arches and associated works; and Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved) for the part demolition and part retention of existing buildings and erection of two new buildings comprising a mixed-use scheme, providing new homes (Class C3) and flexible multi-use floorspace (Class A1/A3/A4/D1), and other associated works.