Land bounded by Lower Road, Redriff Road, Quebec Way and Surrey Quays Road and Site at Roberts Close

Scheme approved. Hybrid application seeking detailed planning permission for Phase 1 and outline planning permission for future phases, comprising:

Outline planning permission (all matters reserved) for the demolition of all existing structures and redevelopment to include a number of tall buildings (up to 138m AOD) and up to 656,200sqm (GEA) of floorspace comprising the following mix of uses: retail (Use Classes A1-A5), workspace (B1), hotel (C1), residential (C3), assisted living (C2), student accommodation, leisure (including a cinema) (D2), community facilities (including health and education uses) (D1), public toilets, nightclub, flexible events space, an energy centre, an interim and permanent petrol filling station, a primary electricity substation, a secondary entrance for Surrey Quays Rail Station, a Park Pavilion, landscaping including open spaces and public realm, works to the Canada Water Dock, car parking, means of access, associated infrastructure and highways works and demolition or retention with alterations of the Press Hall and Spine Building of the Printworks; and Detailed planning permission for the following Plots in Phase 1: • Plot A1 (south of Surrey Quays Road and west of Deal Porters Way) to provide uses comprising retail (A1-A5), workspace (B1) and 186 residential units (C3) in a 6 and 34 storey building (129.4m AOD), plus a basement; • Plot A2 (east of Lower Road and west of Canada Water Dock) to provide a leisure centre (D2), retail (A1-A5), and workspace (B1) in a 4, 5 and 6 storey building plus a basement. • Plot K1 (east of Roberts Close) to provide 79 residential units (C3) in a 5 and 6 storey building. • Interim Petrol Filling Station (north of Redriff Road and east of Lower Road) to provide an 8-pump petrol filling station with kiosk, canopy and forecourt area. Each plot with associated car parking, cycle parking, landscaping, public realm, plant and other relevant works.