Fulham Town Hall

Scheme refused. Demolition of 1934 building behind retained facade to Fulham Road, excavation of a basement and erection of a five storey building (plus plant enclosure) incorporating retained 1934 building facade; erection of additional floors at second, third and fourth floor levels plus plant to the Harwood Road building including erection of front and rear roof extensions and creation of roof terraces following demolition of existing second floor; erection of an enclosed circulation route flanking the south west elevation of the Grand Hall; erection of a four storey extension to the Concert Hall building abutting Cedarne Road boundary replacing fire escape stair; erection of an additional floor to Concert Hall kitchen block; erection of a single storey side extension at ground floor level fronting east yard; erection of a single storey extension, a two storey extension and balconies to south elevation of Harwood Road building, enclosure of central lightwell to create atrium and demolition of Concert Hall link bridge, raising of pavement to form a ramped entrance from Harwood Road and other external alterations all in connection with change of use from Town Hall (Sui Generis) to retail use with ancillary storage (Class A1) at basement, part ground and part first floor( Grand Hall) levels; cafe/restaurant uses (Class A3) at ground floor level, conference/event space (Class D2) in Council Chamber, ante room and Marriage Room; museum use (Class D1) in first floor bar and creation of 18 residential units (Class C3 – 6x 1 bed, 9x 2 bed and 3x 3 bed), 5 parking spaces and service area with access between Harwood Road and Moore Park Road.